Details for this torrent 

Spector 3
Applications > Mac
1.63 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Jan 12, 2008


Quieres saber que hacen en tu mac mientras estas ausente, bueno que cada quien lo use como crea conveniente, ojo no lo usen para saber que hace tu mujer en el MSN o tus hijos. ESO ES DELITO  JAJAJAJAJAJA.JAJAJAJAJ

You want to know that they do in your mac while these absentee, good that every one uses it as creates advisable, eye does not use it to know that your woman in the MSN or your children does. THAT IS CRIME


Wow... Poor translation.
I'm just guessing this is what you meant.

You want to know what others do on your mac while you are absent, hoping that everyone who uses it is trustworthy, you should not use this to spy on your wife in the MSN or your children. THIS IS A CRIME
please seed.
No shit! Get on with it!
so now i downloaded the torrent how do i install it has anybody tried that yet?
I´v downloaded and installed little snitch first. I block by writing it as a new rule. But when Install Spector the program doesn´t work... Can someone help?
where is the serial? the encoded box has nothing in it.
ignore question, found it
and thanks, installed ok
serial number has been disabled by spector, that is the message I got when tried to access it using the key combo, so won't work.
Use Parental Controls to use this program forever:
Open Internet Explorer.
Internet Options.
Approved Sites.
In the, "Allow this web site window,"
Type in:
Click, NEVER.
Click, "OK."
You have just used Parental Controls to block Spector from calling home and invalidating your key.
SEED PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!